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Our Manufacturing abilities come from advanced marine / aerospace state-of-the-art techniques, with particular regard to the infusion process and the mix of advanced materials we are able to use when designing and actually producing a new blade.

eTa Blades has established the production facility in Fano, on the eastern cost of Italy next to the Adriatic sea, within the most important Italian naval district. This further enables our competitiveness in terms of cost, access to key suppliers, to all logistics and highly skilled resources.

With its covered 5,500 sqm and 3,000 external warehouse, eTa Blades can manage high volumes of blade manufacturing.

The facility is equipped with attractive features among which:

  • 5 axes Machine Centre for quality epoxy monolithic / modular 20mm post-cured 80C° mouldings for blades up to 45m
  • Paint cabin for all relevant finishing procedures / specific finishing cycles while respecting all HSE requirements
  • Kuka fot T-Bolts, root machining up to 3m diameter

Our Manufacturing abilities come from advanced marine / aerospace state-of-the-art techniques, with particular regard to the infusion process and the mix of advanced materials we are able to use when designing and actually producing a new blade.

eTa Blades has established the production facility in Fano, on the eastern cost of Italy next to the Adriatic sea, within the most important Italian naval district. This further enables our competitiveness in terms of cost, access to key suppliers, to all logistics and highly skilled resources.

With its covered 5,500 sqm and 3,000 external warehouse, eTa Blades can manage high volumes of blade manufacturing.

The facility is equipped with attractive features among which:

  • 5 axes Machine Centre for quality epoxy monolithic / modular 20mm post-cured 80C° mouldings for blades up to 45m
  • Paint cabin for all relevant finishing procedures / specific finishing cycles while respecting all HSE requirements
  • Kuka fot T-Bolts, root machining up to 3m diameter



With a production of about 5 blades per day, solid experience in moulding, high quality materials, consolidated and reliable vacuum process infusion processes, eTa Blades is able to guarantees quick delivery at high quality standards.


eTa Blades operates both as manufacturer of own design blades and as Built-to-print manufacturer. Customers might opt both for their own projects, or for our products: in any case, our team supports clients designing a tailored solution fitting their cost / delivery needs.


eTa Blades operates both as manufacturer of own design blades and as Built-to-print manufacturer. Customers might opt both for their own projects, or for our products: in any case, our team supports clients designing a tailored solution fitting their cost / delivery needs.


eTa Blades has introduced the concept of Re-blading in the wind industry which represents not just the possibility to purchase unavailable spare components, often out of production when it comes to old turbine models, but also the opportunity to increase the electrical output of the assets, reduce the OPEX, achieve a true life-extension.

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